Monday, September 13, 2010


Subjects and Objects are part of a sentence. These functions can be replaced by the use of pronouns. Pronouns are words such as I, me, him, he, you, they etc.

There is a difference between the use of I and me. The correct usage of pronoun is something like "I go to the market" instead of "Me go to the market". What's the difference? The answer lies on the type of pronoun. In general, there are 3 types of pronouns.

1. Subject pronoun.

Subject pronoun is used to replace the subject in a sentence. Some of these pronouns are I, he, she, it, we, they and who.

Some examples of this:

a. The boy goes to the market --> He goes to the market
b. The employees are having a break --> They are having a break

2. Object pronoun.

Object pronoun is used to replace the object in a sentece. Some of these pronouns are me, him, her, it, us, them and whom.

Some examples of this:
a. The boy was talking to the tall man --> The boy was talking to him
b. The police asked the crowd to go home --> The police asked them to go home

This also answers the problematic use of to whom, since whom refers doing something to the object, not the subject. "To whom are you talking to?"

3. Reflexive pronoun.

This type of pronoun is used to reflect on the subject, usually adding the -self letters.

Some examples of this:
a. I have baked the cakes myself.
b. You have done this to yourself.
c. They washed themselves several times after the incident.

Hopefully, this explain the usage of pronouns in short.

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