Monday, September 13, 2010

Common mistakes using past tense I

Everybody knows the past tense, and the structure of simple past tense (verb + past participle). However, two of the mistakes people use are quoting and common facts.

1. Quoting.

When we quote from someone, we must use the correct sentence at that moment, which is usually the present tense. We must use the exact words the person says at that moment. For example: "Today was my birthday," she said yesterday. That is not a correct form of grammar since she said it in the present form on yesterday. Therefore it should be "Today is my birthday," she said yesterday.

2. Common facts.

Common facts are something that doesn't change and is generally believed as true, therefore must always be used in the present form. The earth is round, 4+4=8, a dog is an animal. However, facts that can change should take the appropriate time form.

For example:
- She asked last week why cheese is a dairy product.
- The man didn't believe that the earth is round, when I told him yesterday.

However, opinions should take the the correct time, since they can change. e.g I found a computer yesterday that was only $50. It is a fact that the computer costs $50, however, it can change its price in the future and therefore not a common fact.

So, a final example comprehending the correct sentences regarding the matter above :

- Everybody asked yesterday why 5+5 is 10. I could not answer the question, and asked back why the earth is round. "Those are just common facts," I replied.
- I bought strawberry jam which is made from strawberries because it was on sale for $1.

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