Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Plural forms

Plural form is used for objects more than one. To make a singular object plural:

1. Add -s in general

- computer --> computers
- handphone --> handphones
- pen --> pens
- pencil --> pencils
- apple --> apples

2. Add -es for words ending in ch, sh, x or s

- box --> boxes
- match --> matches
- loss --> losses

3. With words ending in a -y with a consonant before, change the -y to -ies

- baby --> babies
- body --> bodies
- boy --> boys (remember o before the y is not a consonant)

4. There are some irregular form of plural, and some which is always singular such as:

- fish --> plural = fish
- man --> plural = men
- woman --> plural = women
- person --> plural = people
- bread --> also bread (because bread is uncountable)
- water --> also water (uncountable)
- wine --> also wine (uncountable)

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