Thursday, July 22, 2010

Internet Cabling

In networking, physical connection is one of the important things to consider. When a problem occurs, the physical connection should be always the first to check. There are several rules in connecting devices that will be discussed in this blog.

The first rule to know is connecting devices of the same type. When we connect devices of the same type we should use a cross over cable. For example, connecting pc-to-pc, switch-to-switch (or to hub because hubs and switch are considered as the same device), and router to routers.

When we connect different type of devices we must use straight trough cables such as router to switch and switch to PC. However, if we want to connect a PC to a router we must use a console cable (or also known as rollover cable) or a cross over cable if use the Ethernet port.

An illustration for this settings is shown in the image below.

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