Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Advantage of Solar Energy over other Renewable Energy

There are several renewable energy sources such as Solar, Wind, Hydro, Biomass etc. All of the technologies has its own strength and weaknesses. In this blog, I want to explain about the advantages of Solar Energy.

Solar Energy has a main advantage over other technologies which is durable. It can be placed just outside your house and stand up to 30-40 years producing electricity for your needs which is longer than any other technology. Imagine yourself installing an array of PV cells at your rooftop. Just a one time installment and you have energy for 40 upcoming years of your life.

This technology can be durable because PV cells do not have any moving parts in it. This is really a striking point over any other techonology. In PV cells nothing moves or generates friction between parts such as in hydro or wind energy which uses generators and magnets to create electricity. The only thing that moves are the electrons generated by a wave of photons. This also means less costs and time for maintenance or breakdowns.

Another advantage of solar energy is that it does not produce any pollution to the nature. Wind energy could have the potential to create sound pollution because of the swinging blades. Hydro energy could have the potential to harm the nature or surrounding environment in the water. Solar energy does not have a negative effect to the nature.

These are the main advantages of solar energy over other renewable technologies. However, it doesn't mean that this technology is the perfect technology. There are several still some main disadvantages of solar energy which I will cover in my next blog.

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