Sunday, July 18, 2010

Future Energy Projection

As we all know, current energy sources are mainly coal, oil and gas. But how about the future? Will these energy sources still be the main energy sources in the future? I've found this graph below to give you a perspective about future energy sources.

The graph shows an annual energy production that is done globally in exajoules per year from 2000 to 2100. There are 10 types of energy served in this graph which are oil, gas, coal, nuclear, hydropower, biomass, wind, solar power, solar thermal heating and other renewables. It can be clearly seen that the overall energy production keeps rising over a century.

In the year 2000, the main energy sources are oil, gas and coal (190 exajoules, 50 exajoules and 40 exajoules respectively). These sources provide around 90% of the total energy generated currently. These 3 sources dominates and even increases for the next 30 years. In the year 2030 onwards, these energy -although still being strong at that moment- starts declining and keeps declining to the end of the decade. It can be seen that the total production of these 3 energy sources will only contribute 35% of the total energy generated in 2100.

Solar power shows a remarkable progress in energy production. Starting from a minimum production in 2020, this energy grows quite steadily to around 100 exajoules in 2040 and countinues growing rapidly onwards to 1000 exajoules in 2100. It can be seen that solar power is the dominating energy generator at that time and more than 50% of the global energy production is accounted by solar power.

Other powers such as nuclear energy and hydropower produces insignificant energy compared to total energy production. Biomass, wind, solar thermal heating and other renewables produces quite an energy but shows only a slight increasing trend in production.

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