Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Securing your network

Network security is important to keep a safe and secure network. Here are a few tips on securing your network:

- Pay attention to physical security. Put the hardware on locked rooms where only authorized persons can access it. Install the hardwares also in a environment secure place, away from leaking windows, heat generating devices, or possible drowned by flood.

- Set Passwords on the hardware whenever possible. Passwords as they suppose to be, should protect your network and therefore a proper password should be set. Do not set password keys such as "password" or "cisco" because that is too easy to guess.

- Set different privelege levels to different users. In this way, only those who are supposed to only see the network cannot modify the network.

- Give remote access to only those who are authorized to do it. If necessary, set it so that only the specific user with the specific computer (MAC address authorization) can access the network.

- Upgrade the software is necessary. Upgrades comes usually with bug fixes and patches along with additional features.

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