Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Clean Energy for a Better Future

Energy consumption is currently rising throughout the world. The current energy source are currently coal, oil and gas. These energy sources besides getting harder to find, is also considered not so clean. Therefore, clean renewable energy such as wind, solar, hydro energy should be considered as an alternative energy.

There are several good reasons why people should consider these kind of energy. Some of them are renewable (always there) and low cost – high revenue for the future. However, in all cases the main reason of using clean energy is building a better future.

Current energy produces a lot CO2 (carbon dioxide) which produces a high carbon footprint. This footprint will in turn make the earth warmer which will lead into global warming. This problem can be avoided if people use clean energy. With clean energy, people could still get a lot of energy from clean energy sources, but with lesser carbon footprint. Therefore you would conserve the world for the people that lives after you.

So, after you read these post, I hope that you will consider clean energy sources to source some of your electric equipments needs.

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